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Industri Energi Equinor office group has conducted a member survey on how the work situation is experienced.

«Interesting tasks, the right workload balance, having time for lunch and a couple of breaks during the working day, a good leader and good colleagues in a good working environment, freedom with responsibility, and a flexible mix between home office and Equinor office», is one response that sums up quite briefly and concisely how we prefer our work situation.
The survey was distributed 9th of February to 1520 members of Industri Energi at offices in Norway.
567 members responded on the survey, which was closed on February 28th.

Unni Elisabeth Tonning is the leader of Industri Energi Equinor Oslo and a member of the working committee of Industri Energi Equinor.

The main findings from the survey are as follows:

The most important motivating factor for the employees is to be able to deliver on their tasks and responsibilities. Interesting and/or challenging tasks, as well as being able to manage task responsibilities and deliver on time were mentioned by the majority of the respondents, hence very important motivation factors for people and for ensuring a good working day. This strengthens the importance of good physical and technical working conditions. Important factors for motivation are to get recognition for what you deliver and your achieved competence, in addition to good leadership, good cooperation with colleagues and a healthy working environment.
Employees in a competence center are generally less satisfied with their leader, work situation and their opportunities to influence on their own development and work situation. This corresponds to the GPS results from 2021 where the decrease in scores is mores significant in units with the most change. This could be related to the extensive introduction of competence centers in connection with 1E21.
Those who are not employed in a competence center are generally satisfied with their sense of belonging, work situation, development opportunities, motivation and the ability to master their tasks.
Feedback on the questions related to working from home and working conditions in open landscapes shows that most people want a flexible solution being present at the office. This seems to be linked to the tasks and that concentration work can be done from home. The responses indicate that even if they experience disruption in their work, many people prefer to work from the office. This corresponds to the feedback on the importance of good colleagues, interaction and a social environment.

The survey results have been presented to, and shared with, PO/Employee Relations in Equinor. Based on this survey Industri Energi Equinor recommends that:

Industri Energi Equinor Office conduct a similar survey in a year
The company creates a template for anonymous surveys on various topics that leaders can use to measure the temperature in their own department.
One looks into the status in more detail in each competence center,  and identify actions to be taken to improve the situation. The collaboration model between the employee, resource owner and task owner must be assessed and improved where necessary. It is important to show that the development opportunities and salary development for the employees are covered also in the competence center model.
Required flexibility in being present at the office is linked to the tasks. The office facilities must be adapted to these needs, e.g. that there are sufficient focus rooms/zones. Flexible work arrangements should not be limited by fixed days in the office/home, but rather based on type of task and work.