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Equinor has presented an impact assessment for development and operation of Wisting in the Barents Sea.

The impact assessment to be issued for public consultation is covering both the development phase and the operations phase of the Wisting project in the Barents Sea. In December, Equinor entered into an agreement with Lundin, whereby Equinor will continue its Wisting operatorship into the operations phase.
-We look forward to the construction of Wisting starting, says Frank Indreland Gundersen, area manager for EPN (exploration and production north) in Industri Energi Equinor Offshore.
-Of particular importance to us is that Equinor, in agreement with Lundin, has acquired the operatorship for both development and operation throughout the field’s operational phase.
The Wisting discovery is of considerable size, containing close to 500 million barrels of oil equivalent. Expected investments are in the range of NOK 60 – 75 billion. Operating time approx. 30 years, the field is 310 km from shore and has a sea depth of approx. 400 meters, Equinor writes in the press release.

Wisting FPSO Ilustasjon Equinor.

The concept chosen for the Wisting development consists of a circular, floating production and storage unit (FPSO), with power from shore as an integrated part of the technical solution. The oil will be processed and stored on the FPSO before it is shipped to the market.
-What we are not so happy with is that they are set up for control room(CCR) onshore, Industri Energi Equinor Offshore believes that an installation that has people on board should be controlled by people on board.
It is good that both the helicopter base and supply base have been added to Hammerfest, it will strengthen the industrial environment locally with expertise and have ripple effects in society, and Equinor estimates the ripple effects on Norwegian business and industry at NOK 1.7 billion each year during the field’s lifetime, Frank concludes.

The impact assessment process is an open process, and its purpose is to ensure that players with an opinion on the development have an opportunity to express their view. The deadline for the consultation process is 12 weeks from publication. The plan for development and operation (PDO) is scheduled to be finalized at the end of 2022.

Frank I Gundersen, representative for Industri Energi Equinor Offshore.