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Elections for the Corporate Assembly and Board of Equinor Pension

On March 12, the elections for the Corporate Assembly and the Board of Equinor Pension will commence. All employees have the right to vote, regardless of whether they are union members or not. The Corporate Assembly elects the board members of Equinor.

Our Top Candidates

These are our top candidates for the Corporate Assembly and Equinor Pension.
We also present our top candidates for the Equinor Board, as it is the Corporate Assembly that elects the board members of Equinor.

Our Role in the Equinor Corporate Assembly and Board

The employee representatives in the Corporate Assembly and the Board are elected by the employees, while the other representatives in the Corporate Assembly and the Board are elected by the shareholders. All representatives share the responsibility of safeguarding the company in the best possible way and have the same rights and obligations.

Our strength lies in our 5,000 members from all parts of the organization, providing us with access to expertise from across the company. This knowledge is crucial in addressing matters in the best interests of the employees.

Equinor Pension

Styrke Equinor has, through several terms in the board of Equinor Pension and its subcommittees, demonstrated that our expertise in pension matters makes a difference for all employees. This includes ensuring the fair distribution of surplus funds through pension and policy adjustments.

Styrke Equinor has a voice when plans and strategies are developed, ensuring that the interests of all employees are taken into account. With this foundation, we have prioritized candidates with both the knowledge and dedication necessary for this important field.

Foto: Frode Ersfjord

Styrke Equinor Works for:

Secure Jobs

  • Permanent employees for our own tasks
  • Ensuring long-term stability and security for employees and the company


  • Future job security for all employees
  • Further processing of oil and gas in Norway
  • Strong research institutions in Norway focused on technological development
  • Strong state ownership
  • Investments based on long-term value creation

We Have Influence

Through multiple terms in the Corporate Assembly, the Board, and Equinor Pension, we have seen that we make a difference. We are heard when company plans and strategies are developed. Our focus is on creating secure, long-term jobs and ensuring that Equinor remains a great company to work for.

Vote for Us!