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Equinor has decided to replace the Search- and Rescue helicopter at Oseberg Field Center with a more modern helicopter type

Tuesday 06.12.22 the EPN management made a decision expected by many employees in Equinor and especially offshore employees in the Troll/Oseberg area. The company have decided to buy a new SAR helicopter to be located in the Oseberg Field Center hangar.
The selected helicopter is an AW 139 (Augusta Westland).
Industry Energy Offshore representative in the management-union work group has been Terje Werner Hansen. The work group has consisted of an equal number of representatives from management, the unions and the Senior safety delegate (HVO) EPN Jostein Mæland.
In addition, professionals from Equinor flight safety, medical doctor and SAR nurse have participated. The work group has worked intensively with weekly meetings from March until November this year.

What have we done

The work group started with a mandate a.o. stating that the existing Oseberg Field Center hangar could be used, and that required minor upgrades to the hangar could be performed.
The other SAR helicopters in Equinor are Sikorsky S92, which are too big for the Oseberg Field Center hangar. Such a choice would result in a SAR base at Flesland-Bergen, contrary to the work group’s wishes.
The work group task was to investigate relevant options as the existing Super Puma L1 SAR helicopter will be phased out.
The L1 contract runs until autumn 2023. The L1 machine does not meet requirements anymore, due to old technology and Equinor flight safety does not wish to approve it for further SAR service.
The L1 machine was actually scheduled for replacement by Super Puma EC225 around 6 years ago, but the tragic Turøy EC225 accident prolonged the use of the L1 machine.
SAR helicopters (Search and Rescue) have been an essential part of the NCS stand-by duty. The primary task for the helicopters is medical evacuation of injured and sick people in addition to picking up personnel from the sea.
-When selecting the recommended machine, the strongest emphasis has been on the main function of the SAR helicopter: as fast as possible medevac transport to hospital as well as having the SAR helicopter close by for all kinds of stand-by duties, says Terje Werner Hansen in Industry Energy.
-AW139 is a reliable and well-known helicopter type used in air ambulance, police, SAR etc. services. AW139 will also ensure that the SAR base remains at Oseberg A, this being important for experienced security and response time, Hansen continues.
-Hansen concludes: It is gratifying that the work group delivered a joint recommendation, and that EPN management has made the decision accordingly. I trust there will be many happy members when they realize the result of this work.